Ketosis VS Ketoacidosis

There are two metabolic states the body goes into.

  • Ketosis being the natural way of creating ketones.
  • Ketoacidosis is usually seen in people with type 1 diabetes. It’s a state where your body creates ketones at an alarming rate which can turn the blood acidic.

If you can produce insulin, then are you not diabetic and it will be less likely that you will never get into ketoacidosis.



Do you remember the first time you learned how to ride a bike? You kept falling over and over until you mastered the feat of cycling without any problems.

Your body adapts to the keto diet in a similar manner. It has to learn how to create ketones which gives you the fuel you need to carry on with your day to day activities.

This is beginning of what we call keto-adaption.

For someone who is not yet on the keto diet, your body will carry on burning glucose and storing fat. It will take a while for it to adapt and start burning fat instead of glucose for energy.

The entire process can take anywhere from 4 days to a few weeks. How fast your body adapts depends on your current diet.

If you’ve been on a poor diet that used to be high in sugar, carbs and processed foods, you may experience symptoms such as fatigue and weakness.

These symptoms are normal and as someone who is new to going though keto-adaption, you may have the urge to give up.

Do NOT Quit.

To become keto-adapted you need to train your body by consuming less and less foods which are high in sugar and carbohydrates and consume healthy fats such as MCT oil, coconut oil, grass-fed butter and grass-fed meat.

Don’t just give up the foods right away. You’ll begin to feel ill and weak. This situation is usually referred to as the ‘keto flu’.

Your body is cleansing itself. You’re probably experiencing sugar cravings or caffeine withdrawal or carb cravings. You’re like a drug addict who can’t get a fix.

Once you break through these ‘addictions’ (and that’s exactly what they are), your body will feel much better and ‘lighter’. Carbohydrates, caffeine and sugar are highly addictive.

You will need some time to get over them.

The ‘cold turkey’ can take a few days or up to a few weeks. So, how can you tell that you’re fat adapted.

You need to ask yourself 3 questions:

1.   What is the length of time you are going between meals?

If you used to eat every three hours and now you find you can go 6 hours without eating, then you are fat-adapted.

2.   Are you feeling motivated and feel full of energy throughout the day?

If you are fat-adapted, then you will have an unlimited supply of energy.

3.   Has exercising become easier?

Once you have become adapted to the keto diet, you’ll have all the energy you need to keep on exercising.

If you’re saying yes to the questions above, then it is highly likely that you are fat-adapted.

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About the Author: Admin

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